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Creating our happiness

"You don't find happiness, you create it"

When was the last time you had a big victory in your personal or professional life? Maybe you received a promotion at work or just finished up a big home improvement project. Successful moments like these can bring us happiness and a sense of fulfillment as we bask in the fruits of our labor, whether it's a new job title with more pay or an updated kitchen with modern accents. While a bigger paycheck and a newer kitchen can certainly add joy to our life, it's the sense of accomplishment we feel that keeps us moving forward so we can keep creating more opportunities to experience more happiness in life.

Eventually, the sparkle of the new promotion may fade in exchange for increased responsibilities, or the new shine in the kitchen may start to make the other rooms in the house beg for a makeover. Our happiness with the bigger accomplishments in our life can carry a shorter shelf life if we attempt to squeeze every last drop of joy from our successes. New pursuits and endeavors can help us create more joy in our lives when we feel like our happiness cup could use a refill.

One great way to keep our happiness cup full is to continue adding to it with the things that bring us more joy in life. Professionally, it may mean learning new skills that boost our careers and earn us praise and recognition from our colleagues. Personally, it could be pursuing a new hobby that allows us to be creative and develop new friendships with like minded people. The possibilities to create more happiness in our life are endless. We simply have to be willing to go out and cultivate the joy we may be seeking. Happiness is not thrust upon us. It's earned.

Seeking happiness can seem hopeless if we are not willing to go out and plant seeds of opportunity that we are willing to give plenty of sunshine and water through our efforts. Sometimes, the best form of happiness arrives after the laborious process of making that happiness happen. We didn't just hope and wish. We planned, pursued and accomplished. We didn't find happiness. We created it.

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