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Integration back home

While I would have loved to stay in Peru for another two weeks, I had to get back home. Upon arriving home this past Sunday afternoon, I would not say I felt like these past two weeks were life-changing, as much as they helped me recognize the possibilities and opportunities for creating more change in my own life. Just as I did during this trip, I can travel outside my comfort zone and be rewarded for taking more leaps of faith into the unknown. Seeking out new experiences and feeding my curiosity. I got a lot of that from my trip, and I want to do more of that in my personal and professional life.

Getting back into a routine at home has been off to a slow start. I was happy to get back to a regular schedule with work and taking care of commitments at home, but I did still feel a bit drained from the trip. Starting this week, I am making a stronger commitment to my selfcare routine. I realize it helped me meet the physical and mental challenges presented to me while in Peru. I am grateful to have had a successful trip with no big issues to deal with or that prevented me from being able to do everything I set out to do, and more!

The biggest challenge for me will be to take what I experienced in Peru, the inspiration and vibrant energy, and apply it in my life. That's how I can create positive change and growth in my life. I learned that I put limits on myself and self-worth. I can be my own worst enemy by getting in my own way at times. A lot of it is more of a mental struggle. I am also reminding myself to be more patient with myself. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. But even in a marathon, we gotta keep moving toward the finish line, hopefully at a steady pace, and with a smile on our face. 😊

What I feel was the biggest takeaway from my trip to Peru is to take it all in (life), even just a sip at a time. To be more present in everything I do. To be less in my mind or on my phone, and more engaged in the moment. I shell out a lot of suggestions to clients about being more present and mindful, but these past two weeks helped me realize how much more I need to be doing that in my life. These past couple weeks helped me be more present in everything I do. I plan on doing that more, even when completing what may seem like the most mundane tasks and routines. I may even switch things up just to make the routine feel less routiney.

And I have already stated this, but I plan on less thinking/overthinking, and more doing. Less consuming and more creating. I want to ride this wave of positivity I hopped on in Peru, and see where it takes me. I am excited to see where my ideas and pursuits take me. I plan on taking more adventures, both locally, and across the world, eventually. For now, I just plan on planting more seeds of opportunity to see what sprouts. I will keep taking better care of myself, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I feel like I do have this renewed appreciation toward life, and it is my intention to express my appreciation by putting more effort toward making the most out of life.

I will wrap up my series of posts next week with my final post about the integration process. I appreciate you following along while I share my experiences.

Here are more pictures from Mach Piuchu and Cusco

More of Mach Picchu

More of Cusco

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