Tomorrow is the big day when I start my retreat and participate in my first ayahuasca ceremony. The anticipation is peaking! I'm currently in Lima waiting on my connecting flight to Iquitos in a few hours. The beginning of my trip has been a humbling one. The language barrier has not been too difficult, but certainly validates that I prefer to not speak what little Spanish I know, unless necessary. I'm owning my certified gringo status. 😄 I did have a great conversation with a native Peruvian, visiting from the US, which helped validate that I'm headed down the right path, even though what lies ahead is still unknown.
As my first encounter with Mother Aya approaches, I feel ready. I don't know what will unfold, but I know it will be what is meant for me and my soul growth. I also have this feeling of gratitude for this opportunity. It's as if the stars aligned while preparing for this adventure. Now it's time to punch my ticket and buckle up for what I feel will be a life-changing experience.
This past week was not too difficult with adhering to a strict diet and digital detox. I did break down on Thursday night by watching some YouTube clips, but have been good since then. Just like abstaining from sugar, the struggle was real with avoiding screen time that was not health and wellness related. Although, I didn't really miss the news or social media. It felt nice to take a break. I spent a lot of time in nature this past week, which also felt nice. Thankfully, the weather cooperated. I wrapped up the week on Friday with a trifecta of reiki healing, a full body deep tissue massage, and a sound bath that evening. It was a superb ending to the preparation process.
Now that the preparation stage of my journey is ending, I'm ready for the next stage, the retreat! While I feel like I am fully prepared, there is a part of me that understands that no amount of preparation can help me understand what to expect. While I can't expect my intentions to be met, I do expect that what is meant for me will be revealed, whatever that may be. Essentially, I expect the unexpected, which in a way is where the excitement comes from. I'm prepared for challenges, as I know that is what sparks growth. I'm prepared to be wowed, or not. Whatever happens, happens. I'm also prepared to do the integration work that starts the third stage of my journey next week.
Testimonial from Matt Simpson, who referred Hummingbird Healing Center in his book Worth the Fight, which was the catalyst for my journey with ayahuasca
For this week, I will be doing three ayahuasca ceremonies, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday include additional healing and integration activities, while wrapping up the week with a San Pedro ceremony on Saturday. I will then head to Cusco on Sunday, where I will spend my first week of the integration process. If you would like to know more about what I will be doing every day during the retreat, you can check out the full itinerary for the week (Daily schedule at bottom of linked page). It's nice that everything from meals, to laundry, are all taken care of, so participants can focus more on working with ayahuasca.
Eight hour gap while traveling to Iquitos (Under two hour flight) and a quick tour of the city
I'm now in my hotel where I'm settling in for the night, while I prepare for my big day tomorrow, and the remainder of my retreat. After checking in to my hotel, I grabbed a late Ayahuasca Diet lunch (entire page of selections on the menu) and a tour around Iquitos with an unofficial tour guide I recruited, Joel. He showed me around the marketplace, where I bought some offerings for my shaman, got some natural mosquito repellent, and I also bought a necklace to wear during my ceremonies. We also took a ride in a tuk-tuk up to the Navy Bridge to get a better look at the Amazon River. I'm very pleased with my first day in Peru. The vibe in Iquitos was welcoming, and I felt safe with my surroundings. It was a nice primer for my retreat this week.
Next Sunday, I will report on how my retreat went. I will be doing a lot of processing and journaling during the week, as I reflect on my ceremonies and what they revealed to me. I won't get too much into detail, as I understand that much of what I experience is meant for only me. However, I will give a good overview of my experience and my initial thoughts afterwards. I can't wait to share what I can, as I know many of you have expressed interest in learning more about the actual retreat experience. Stay tuned!
Pictures from today . . .

View from balcony at my hotel

This guy greeted me outside my hotel room!

Following Joel through the marketplace

Bananas galore!

Tuck-tuck ride to the Navy Bridge

Navy Bridge, right near the Amazon River

The mighty Amazon River

My unofficial tour guide, Joel

Necklace to wear during my ceremonies, with ayahuasca plant on it
Looking forward to the big update next week! As always, I am grateful for you following along while I share this entire process of working with ayahuasca. ❤️☀️🙏🌱